
Looking to make the most of your Freshers experience? Check out some of our helpful tips below on how you can make sure it's a week to remember!

Freshers Rep's

Be sure to meet your Freshers Rep's. They are here to help you settle in, answer questions and tell you about what's going on.

Don't miss Freshers Fair

Find out about the Union, sports clubs, societies and University services. Plus there's loads of free goodies to grab!

Stay Local

As a London University, you will be told about many different events going on during each night of Freshers Week, some local and some in central London. Stick to events on campus for the first week, this is where you will meet the most Brunel students.

Join some Sports Clubs and Societies

It's a great way to make new friends, learn a new skill and have fun.

Home Sickness

You may end up missing home during your first week, especially if you've never stayed away from home before. Try to stick it out for the first week though, or you'll be missing out on a great opportunity to meet new people. If however you do feel like it gets too much, there are people at the ARC for you to talk to.

Talk to people

you never know who might be your future best friends or flatmates. Talk to your housemates and corridor mates! Find shared interests.


It's ok to be an introvert, you don't have to go out every night, it's worth trying to make an effort to meet at least a small number of people however as it will make your university life a lot easier and enjoyable knowing other people, and Freshers Week is the best time to do that!


If you choose to drink alcohol during Freshers Week, be sure to do so responsibly. Throwing up in your first week doesn't give off the best of impressions.

Safe Sex

If you're going to have sex, use a condom. Free condoms are available from the ARC (Advice and Representation Centre), and on-campus medical centre. The on- campus pharmacy provides free chlamydia tests for 16-24 year olds and the morning- after pill for under 25's.

Decorate your room

Remember you're not on holiday, you'll be living in your room for a whole 9 months, so make it your own! There will be a poster sale with loads of cheap posters so make sure you find time to visit.


Remember to introduce yourself to the other students living in your flat; it's an easy way to meet new people who you'll hopefully be spending a lot of time with.


In an ideal world your student loan will come through on the day you arrive. In reality this probably won't happen, so make sure you're prepared. You'll often need more than you think you will so try to refrain from burning through your entire student loan within your first week!

Become a Course Rep

Make a real difference to your course by becoming the Course Representative. There are elections within the first month of term. Keep a look out for emails about it.

The Union of Brunel Students, Hamilton Centre, Brunel University, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex. UB8 3PH.
Tel: 01895 269 269, Charity Number: 1173492
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