To escalate a complaint to Stage 2, you will need to complete the Stage 2 Complaint Form within 21 days of receiving your Stage 1 outcome (and if possible within 3 months of the incident). If you submit it outside of this timeframe, you will need to provide a valid reason why.
It is essential to include evidence in your Stage 2 Form, as University expects that the burden of proof sits with the student to clearly demonstrate how the circumstances you’re complaining about have affected you, your studies and/or experience. Especially if you’re seeking compensation, you must provide evidence of financial loss, e.g., payment receipts.
Once submitted, the Student Complaints Officer will evaluate whether your complaint is eligible for investigation by considering factors e.g., whether you’ve submitted it on time, provided sufficient evidence and a realistic proposed solution, as well as, whether a complaint is an appropriate avenure to address your issue.
If eligible, the Student Complaints Officer will conduct an investigation into your complaint.
If ineligible, you will receive a Completion of Procedures Letter stating that the University’s internal procedures are complete but, you can take it to the OIA (Office of the Independent Adjudicator).
The Student Complaints Officer will look into your case by reviewing your statement(s), evidence, formal documents and any other evidence they have access to. Additionally, they may ask to meet with you either in-person or virtually to discuss the complaint in more detail, especially if it is complex.
Usually, you should receive a report from the Complaints Officer within 50 days of submission. The report will include their investigations, information gathered, conclusions drawn i.e., whether your complaint is justified and a recommended remedy.
Sometimes the investigation may take longer but, you'll be informed of a new deadline as soon as possible.