Your round-up of all things student at Brunel University.

Bangladesh Society
This societies social media presence has almost doubled this year, with an example of their hard work being the creation of a social media video which recieved over 5000 plays, helping to raise awareness of Bangladesh Independance Day!
They also recently hosted both a Badminton social event and independant Iftar which both recieved a substantial turnout.
Weightlifting Club
A couple of students are competing at the BUCS Weightlifting Championships finals in the IAC today! Stephen Bestman is competing in the 96kg category and qualified with the highest total in his category whilst Oliver Icely-Brown is competing in the 109kg category.
We wish them all the best!
NUS Delegates
Our NUS delegates have just come back from National conference and there were some really big topics discussed. These include:
- Campaign for international student equality.
- Saving the Graduate Route: What the Government is trying to do, and what we can do.
- Turn Up: Getting students registered to vote on campus.
- How to work together locally to influence decision makers.
Three of our delegates who attended (Haseen, Raad, and Mahima) also spoke at the conference, discussing the International Student's perspective.