Your round-up of all things student at Brunel University.
Get your tickets now for Brunel at Pride in London 2024 - 29 June 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
This is your official invitation to Pride in London with the Brunel LGBTQ+ Staff and Student Networks! Brunel has places for up to 50 staff, students, friends and family to represent the university at one of the biggest LGBT+ Pride festivals in the world, on Saturday 29 June 2024. When you sign up as a Brunel student or staff member, you can also reserve a plus one ticket for a family member or friend. Team Brunel t-shirts will be provided by the Union of Brunel Students and details on collection will be shared closer to the event briefing in mid-June. We hope to see you there!
General Election on July 4th
The government have just annouced that there will be an upcoming General Election on July 4th. This is an important event for students as they make up 10% of the voting pool.
To register to vote it takes only 5 minutes, and all you need is your national insurance number. The cut off point to register to vote is June 26th.
You must have a valid ID card to vote. The NUS are allowing students the opportunity to obtain FREE citezenship cards with code "NUS" at check out. You must order before the 6th June to ensure the arrival of your card in time for voting day.

Lacrosse Club
Following the success of this year's Team Brunel Ball, we believe this club deserved the spotlight this week for achieving the most "Club Colours" certificates out of any other sports team!
You can see the main highlights from Team Brunel Ball on our instagram @officialteambrunel.
Further footage will be uploaded for public access in the coming days.
Officers Lead our One Brunel Fashion/Talent Showcase
Wrapping up our One Brunel festival, we take a look back at the contribution many of our students have had to make this event happen.
Our full-time officer team, who will finish their term in July, were hands-on in running our One Brunel Fashion/ Talent Showcase. The performance were spectacular, you can view updates from the event on our social media @brunelstudents.