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About Us

The Brunel Ahlulbayt Society focuses on religious, humanitarian and political discussions, volunteering campaigns and social activities. We are open for anyone to join!

We are pleased to see you come to the Brunel Ahlulbayt Society (AbSoc) webpage.

Brunel Ahlulbayt Society is a religious, humanitarian, and social society. Here at Brunel AbSoc we hold regular discussions and social nights regarding various topics, these include discussions about current events, addressing controversial topics, and exploring the global geopolitical climate. Please keep an eye on our social media page for updates on upcoming events. At least two every month!

Our society is proud to subscribe to the Shia Islam school of faith and we welcome people from all schools of faith or otherwise. We love to meet people from all walks of life and hope to see you all at our Freshers Fayre and/or at one of our events. We welcome you all to our events and look forward to hearing your opinions and views about Islam, Religion, Humanities, Politics, and anything that ties in with our society.

Our ethos is inspired by Imam (leader) Ali (a.s) - the successor to the Holy Prophet - who said:

"People are of two kinds, either your brothers in faith or your equals in humanity"

We would love to hear from you! If you would like to get in contact with us, drop us a message at

Instagram - @brunelabsoc

Syed Kazmi - Chair
Patrisiya Taleb - Vice Chair
Malika Walji - Secretary
Hannah Mamdani - Treasurer
Aliza Merchant - Web Officer