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About Us

The Catholic Society at Brunel University is open to all students both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. We meet to share God’s word and provide a place for students interested in discovering more about the Catholic faith through talks and discussions. Our aim is to promote an understanding and awareness of the Catholic faith within the University and the local community. Our society is based on loving God, our neighbours, and ourselves, by keeping the commandments of God and the teachings of the Church.

We meet weekly on Thursday 5:30 pm at the Meeting House to participate in group activities, including prayer, watching instructional videos and listening to speakers, as well as arranging trips and retreats, all centred on the Catholic faith. We also arrange several social events, such as meals at restaurants, bowling, movie nights and international food evenings. In this way, spiritual and social events are spread across the year giving us time to get to know each other better, as well as opportunities for spiritual growth. Amongst these events are Masses on campus during the academic year, and visits to places of spiritual and historical significance, such as St. Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Cathedral.

Our society is also part of a larger body of Catholic Societies who support each other and hold joint events. The Diocese of Westminster provides a central Catholic Chaplaincy, at Newman House, 111 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6AR. For enquires, contact We can visit there any time for food, talks and friendship. From here, an annual pilgrimage is led in October each year. 

All are welcome to visit CathSoc meetings! 

Contact details:

  • Instagram - @brunelcathsoc
  • Anabel (our Chaplain) -

Scroll down to check our plans and events ⬇ 

Upcoming plans and events in Meeting House: 

  • March 13 Thursday 5:30pm in Meeting House - Sycamore (guided reflexion about our faith)


Upcoming events in Catholic Chaplaincy Newman House (111 Gower Str. London, WC1E 6AR ) :


From archive of the joyful memories: