At Brunel University Christian Union, our aim is to give every student the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Hello, Sveiki, Ciao, Merhaba and Olá!
It's such a blessing to be able to enjoy coming together and spreading the gospel to Brunel students! We want to create a loving and accepting community for all, regardless of faith, background or age.
This year, we are holding our weekly Unite meetings every Tuesday at 19:30 (7:30pm) GMT, with the aim of encouraging each other through games, guest speakers, Bible study and more. We are delighted that these can be held at The Meeting House on campus! Absolutely anyone is welcome whether Christian or not, undergrads, postgrads, international students, mature students, or none of the above. Our first Unite meeting for the 24/25 acadmeic year will be on 1/08/24, but we also have some exciting events in Freshers Week. Our Instagram account is the best way to keep upto date on our freshers events.
If you want to get in touch with us, feel free to DM our Instagram account or check out our LinkTree at - we would love to hear from you!
2024/25 Committee:
President - Myla
Treasurer / Events Coordinator - Roanna
Secretary - Nathaniel
Our student union elections are here and we need YOU to stand for the students of Brunel University of London. Deadline: 28/03/25 at 4pm