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About Us

‘Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good; enjoining what is right and forbidding what is evil, and those will be the successful.’ (Quran 3:104)


Brunel Islamic Society (iSOC) are a group of volunteer staff and students who work to cater for needs of Muslims at Brunel University; as well as raise awareness about Islam, engage in dialogue and building bridges with the non-Muslim community on campus

 Key objectives of Brunel iSOC:

  1. To cater for all the needs and religious requirements of Muslims at Brunel University.

  2. To provide basic Islamic education and present the true message of Islam and clear misconceptions.

  3. To cater for the social and welfare needs of Muslims on campus and develop unity and cohesion.

  4. To co-operate and co-ordinate with other. groups and societies on common issues regardless of faith and religion. 

Main Activities & Events for the year 2022/2023

  • Daily and Friday Prayers

Prayer space (Prayer Rooms) for both brothers and sisters is available 24hours a day in the Isambard Complex Amenity Building on the 2nd Floor. For prayer timetable and Jummah prayer please refer to our social media. There is also a video in the video section on our facebook page which shows you how to get to the prayer room and Wudu facilities or check our YouTube Channel Making

*New wudu facilities in progress on the 1st floor of the amenity building

  • Monthly Lectures

  • Weekly Activities

  • External activities: 

  • Charity Week 

  • Islamic Exhibition 

  • Quran competition 

  • Ramadan FREE Iftar for everyone 

  • Eid Celebration with association of Union Of Brunel Students 

  • Islamic Awareness Month (IAM) 

  • & Much More. If you have any ideas or event you would like to see please let us know. 

  • Follow us on social media to see details of latest events @Brunelisoc , we are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Ramadan Exam Guide

  • Exam Weekly Plan



You can sign up to Brunel iSOC to receive emails and texts about our events and activities. Membership is FREE and simple. If you have missed the opportunity to sign up at Freshers’ Fayre, you can sign up online: . You will be required to sign up with the Brunel Students Union first and then find the Islamic society on the list of societies.


Brunel iSOC is one of the biggest and most active societies on campus. We rely on volunteers to run our activities and events. Please get involved, whether it is taking up a position on the committee, helping at events, setting up and clearing away during Friday prayers or simply putting up a poster. If interested please click here.


Brothers Contact:

Sisters Contact: