Instagram - @brunel_creative_lounge Email - TikTok - @brunelcreativewritingsoc LinkedIn - Brunel creative writing society
About Us
We are a society set up by previous creative writing students for all students of this university. We are welcoming and hoping to provide more events this year!
Society Aims
We aim to host various events across the year for students to take a creative break from their studies. We encourage anyone from all courses to join us to celebrate this creative path.
Weekly meetups
We hold weekly meet-ups alongside all of our events. This is so we have a catch-up, an hour working on projects to music, and then a little talk/debrief at the end.
When: Mondays starting 7th October Time: 6-8 pm Where: LECT 016
We are planning to host a few events. This includes readings in local pubs or on campus, social events, and some exciting events.
Our Committee
Chair - Jey Blum
Vice Chair - Kian Adams
Treasurer - George Davey
Secretary - Amy Griffiths
Social Secretary - Joey Mingle
Web Officer – Aimeé Webb
Keep In Touch
What is the best way to keep in touch? Become a member! We hope to send emails of events and such to our members via the student union website. As well as keeping up to date on all our socials that are listed at the start of the page.
Have any questions
If you have any questions then please contact us via Instagram or email us on
Our student union elections are here and we need YOU to stand for the students of Brunel University of London. Deadline: 28/03/25 at 4pm