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Bye Law change vote June 2024

Motion to amend byelaws B, G, H, J and K

Dear Student Assembly,

We hope you are well. As previously confirmed, a motion has been submitted to amend Student Assembly membership.

As we do not have a meeting scheduled, this vote will take place electronically:

Student Assembly (

  • Voting opens on: Tuesday 9th July at 10am
  • Voting closes on: Thursday 11th July at 11pm

It should be noted that any members that do not vote will be considered as ‘abstain’ and you are choosing not to vote.

What is the issue?

Despite having a fairly even split of Home/International students and Male/Female students in the Brunel community, we are not seeing this represented in our Student Assembly membership, with the Assembly in recent years being dominated by our international student community and predominantly male.  We also have department reps elected to student assembly that have no connectivity to our student reps structure and through that the University academic staff, so their ability to represent department issues with any knowledge or effect at our Assembly is limited.  Our Standing committee members (Society Guild and Team Brunel Committees) feel that the Assembly meeting has no relevance to them as they feel pressured to attend with no specific agenda items relevant to their standing committee or the activities of the members they represent.

Changes we can make to help?

In order to have a more diverse membership we intend on protecting seats for:

  • Our international students.
  • Out home students.
  • Our women students.
  • A senior student Representative for each department.
  • Change to the agenda to include standing committee business

This will be achieved by splitting the one pool of community members and creating a pool of seats available for international students only and a pool of seats for home students only.   For these categories, students from the specified community will only be eligible to stand for election and vote for their preferred choice.  We also wish to encourage and empower more female candidates and therefore we intend to protect 50% of the seats in each category for women.  This will work in a similar way to how we currently select delegates for NUS conference.  The female candidates will be selected first until the 50% of seats are filled.  Any remaining female candidates will be put back in the main election to stand and be counted alongside the votes for the male candidates.

We intend to remove the separately elected department reps and instead make the role of the senior department rep within or rep system automatically members of Assembly ensuring a continuity of representation and a deeper knowledge of departmental challenges and student issues being reflected in Assembly discussion.

We also include our Clubs and Societies in our Assembly membership through the 4 nominated standing committee representatives and amending the agenda to specifically include standing committee business will hopefully make the meetings more relevant and valuable to everyone involved.

What are the options?

  • For – You agree to the changes.
  • Against – You do not agree to the changes.
  • Abstain – You are choosing not to vote.

Only current student assembly members with an enrolled status will be able to vote on this motion. You will need to log in in order to vote on this motion.

If you have any questions or any issues voting then please do let me know.




Title: Motion to amend byelaws B, G, H, J and K.

To: Student Assembly

From: Naveed Sabugar

This Union Notes

  • The Brunel community is home to students from all around the world, approximately 51% international, with home students making up 49% of the population.
  • The Union has committed to the mission “of supporting and growing inclusive and welcoming communities. A community where everyone is valued and heard”.
  • Representation is a fundamental necessity for fostering a society where every individual, regardless of their race or background, can thrive.
  • In order to be fully representative of our diverse Brunel community, we need to include a wider range of voices in Brunel democracy.

This Union Believes

  • The current byelaws that cover Student Assembly, Bye-law B and Bye-law G, are creating barriers to inclusion.
  • Student Assembly is not representative of our diverse Brunel Community.
  • Student Assembly does not fulfil its core purpose of representing the voice of all students.
  • Democracy should be accessible to all.
  • We need to remove barriers to participation and engagement. Cross campus elections Can be a barrier to student participation at grass roots democracy.

This Union Resolves (also see appendix 1 below)

  1. To amend Bye-law B
    1. To add that NUS delegates will be selected by cabinet from the FT officers according to demographic restrictions, and any remaining positions will be elected through cross campus ballot.
    2. Any student can become a student rep and they no longer need to be elected.
    3. Senior Student Representatives shall be selected by Union and Uni staff.
    4. Change CHLS to CHMLS.


  1. To amend Bye-laws G
    1. Change student assembly Community membership to protect seats for:
      1. 10 x international students 5 of which will be women.
      2. 10 x home students 5 of which will be women.
    2. Add an agenda item for clubs and societies standing committees business.
    3. Require a minimum of 2 meetings per term.


  1. To amend Bye-laws H
    1. Change VP Student Activities to Community Living Officer to reflect new structure.
    2. Confirm it is the standing committees that shall be responsible to fill from within their membership 2 posts to represent the committee at student assembly.


  1. To amend Bye-laws J
    1. Add equality, diversity and inclusion policy and Freedom of Expression code of conduct.
    2. Change VP Student Activities to Community Living Officer to reflect new structure.


  1. To amend Bye-laws K
    1. Add equality, diversity and inclusion policy and Freedom of Expression code of conduct.
    2. Change VP Student Activities to Community Living Officer to reflect new structure.

All motions require 2 students to sponsor the motion. Usually, the proposer is the student submitting the motion, the seconder is another student who supports the motion.


Proposed by:     Naveed Sabugar                               Seconded by:     Shashank Manjunatha


Signature:           N Sabugar                                         Signature:           S Manjunatha




Bye-Law B: Elections Procedures


2.3 Community members of Student Assembly and all NUS Conference Delegates shall be nominated from, and voted for by, all members.

Amend to:

2.3 Community members of Student Assembly and all NUS Conference Delegates shall be nominated from, and voted for by, all members. Student Officers shall be automatically selected to be NUS delegates.


2.4 Student representatives shall only be nominated from and voted for in a secret ballot of students from an agreed designated area of study.

Amend to:

2.4 Any student can be a Student Representative for their designated area of study.


2.5 Senior Student Representatives shall only be selected by way of application by the Associate Deans (Student Experience)/an appropriate academic from their associated College in conjunction with the Union.


5.1. The Spring Elections shall be those elections in which the Student Officers, Student Assembly Chair, Standing Committee Chairs, Student Trustees, Liberation Officers, Executive Committee Members (with the exception of the Postgraduate Students Officer). The Spring Elections shall take place in the second term of the academic year before the expected term of office.

Amend to:

5.1. The Spring Elections shall be those elections in which the Student Officers, Student Assembly Chair, Standing Committee Chairs, Student Trustees, Liberation Officers, Executive Committee Members (with the exception of the Postgraduate Students Officer). The Spring Elections shall take place in the second term of the academic year before the expected term of office.


5.2 The Autumn Elections shall be those elections in which the Postgraduate Students Officer, Student Assembly Members and NUS Delegates are elected. The autumn elections will take place in the first term and shall elect members for the current academic year.

Amend to:

5.2 The Autumn Elections shall be those elections in which the Postgraduate Students Officer, Student Assembly Members and any additional NUS Delegates are elected. The autumn elections will take place in the first term and shall elect members until 31st July of that academic year


5.3 Student Representative Elections shall be those elections in which Course Representatives are elected. They shall take place in the first and third term of the academic year.


5.3 For the avoidance of doubt the roles and responsibilities of Student Assembly will be delegated, where necessary, to the Assembly Chair and the Executive Committee between the disbanding of Assembly on the 31st July each year and its re-formation in Autumn the following academic year.


12. Candidates for the position of Vice President CBASS, CHLS and CEDPS must be students of that particular college.

Amend to:

12. Candidates for the position of Education and Welfare Officer CBASS, CHMLS and CEDPS must be students of that particular college.


13. Candidates for the 10 positions of Student Assembly International Students’ Community members, must be international students and voted for by international students. 5 of the those positions will be protected for women students.

14. Candidates for the 10 positions of Student Assembly Home Students Community members, must be home students and voted for by home students. 5 of those positions will be protected for women students.

Bye-Law G: Student Assembly


1. Student Assembly shall meet 5 times during the academic year. There shall be at least 1 meeting per academic term.

Amend to:

1. Student Assembly will intend to meet at least every month between October and May but must meet at least once every academic term.



2. Student Assembly shall consist of the following directly elected members:

i. The Student Officers;

ii. Student members of the Executive Committee;

iii. 1 Student Rep Member from each Department of the University; including LBIC

iv. 15 Community Members from the student body at large;

v. 2 Mature and Part-time Student Representatives, elected by Mature and Part-time Students.

vi. 2 members of the Team Brunel Committee, chosen by the Team Brunel committee

vii. 2 members of the Societies Guild Committee, chosen by the Societies

Guild Committee

viii. The Chair of Student Assembly as a non-voting member

Amend to:


2. Student Assembly shall consist of the following directly elected members:

i. The Student Officers.

ii. Student members of the Executive Committee.

iii. 1 of the Senior Student Representative members from each Department of the University; including Brunel Pathway College. Selected where necessary by the relevant College membership.

iv. 10 International students’ Community Members. 5 of which will be women.

v. 10 Home students’ Community Members. 5 of which will be for women.

vi. 2 members of the Team Brunel Committee, chosen by the Team Brunel committee

vii. 2 members of the Societies Guild Committee, chosen by the Societies

Guild Committee

viii. The Chair of Student Assembly as a non-voting member


11. Student Assembly meetings shall be inquorate if, 5 minutes having passed since the published time for the beginning of the meeting, fewer than 50%+1 of the elected Assembly Members are present.

Amend to:

11. Student Assembly meetings shall be inquorate if, 10 minutes having passed since the published time for the beginning of the meeting, fewer than 50%+1 of Assembly Members are present.


17. The order of business at Student Assembly meetings shall be:

i. Members present, attendees present, Apologies for Absence.

ii. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

iii. Matters Arising.

iv. Motions to revoke or amend the Bye-Laws.

v. Motions.

vi. Scrutiny Panel Report.

vii. Officer Reports.

viii.Student Matters.

ix. Urgent Other Business.

Amend to:

17. The order of business at Student Assembly meetings shall be:

i. Members present, attendees present, Apologies for Absence.

ii. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

iii. Matters Arising.

iv. Motions to revoke or amend the Bye-Laws.

v. Motions.

vi. Standing committee reports and business.

vii. Scrutiny Panel Report.

viii. Officer Reports.

ix.Student Matters.

x. Urgent Other Business.


Bye-Law H: Standing Committees


4.1.1 The Chair of the Team Brunel shall be the Vice President Student Activities;

Amend to:

4.1.1 The Chair of the Team Brunel shall be the Community Living Officer.



4.1.4 The team Brunel committee shall fill from within their membership 2 posts to represent the committee at student assembly. NEW


5.1.1 The Chair of the Societies Guild shall be the Vice President Student Activities;

Amend to:

5.1.1 The Chair of the Societies Guild shall be the Community Living Officer.


5.1.4 The Societies Guild committee shall fill from within their membership 2 posts to represent the committee at student assembly. NEW

Bye-Law J: Societies Guild and Societies



1. All societies shall define their own membership in accordance with the Union constitution, the equal opportunities policy, and any other relevant policies of the Union.

Amend to:

1. All societies shall define their own membership in accordance with the Union constitution, the equality, diversity and inclusion policy, Freedom of Expression code of conduct and any other relevant policies of the Union


13. The Vice-President Student Activities, alongside the Societies Guild Standing Committee shall hear challenges to the procedures governing societies. If a society is dissatisfied with the outcome of this hearing, they may submit a motion to Student Assembly challenging the decision of the Societies Guild Standing Committee.

Amend to:

13. The Community Living Officer, alongside the Societies Guild Standing Committee shall hear challenges to the procedures governing societies. If a society is dissatisfied with the outcome of this hearing, they may submit a motion to Student Assembly challenging the decision of the Societies Guild Standing Committee.

Bye-Law K-: Team Brunel and Clubs



1. All sports clubs shall define their own membership in accordance with the Union constitution, the equal opportunities policy, and any other relevant policies of the Union.

Amend to:

1. All sports clubs shall define their own membership in accordance with the Union constitution, equality, diversity and inclusion policy, Freedom of Expression code of conduct and any other relevant policies of the Union.


12. The Vice-President Student Activities alongside the Team Brunel Standing Committee shall hear challenges to the procedures governing Sports Clubs. If a sports club is dissatisfied with the outcome of this hearing, they may submit a motion to Student Assembly challenging the decision of Team Brunel Standing Committee.

Amend to:

12. The Community Living Officer alongside the Team Brunel Standing Committee shall hear challenges to the procedures governing Sports Clubs. If a sports club is dissatisfied with the outcome of this hearing, they may submit a motion to Student Assembly challenging the decision of Team Brunel Standing Committee.


12a. The Societies Guild committee shall fill from within their membership 2 posts to represent the committee at student assembly.