Your round-up of all things student at Brunel University.
Team Brunel Movember Fundraiser!
The results are in and we've had a great year fundraising for the Movember Foundation!
We wanted to bring our clubs together (with a bit of friendly competition!) to raise funds and awareness of men's health issues; mental health and suicide prevention, prostate and testicular cancer.
Want to see the full results?
New Student Allotment!
If you've been walking around the back of our SU building, you've probably noticed all the shrubs have been removed from this bed. That's due to us making way for a new student community garden!
This initiative was pushed forward by our Environmental Society who will be working with us to cultivate the space into one that is usable to all.
Want to get involved? Why not reach out to the society through their Instagram @brunelenvironmental
Debating Society!
You probably heard about their Great Debate in Loco's in collaboration with our General Election Lead. This promoted discussion around signing up to vote before an upcoming general election announcement!
They have another event planned in collaboration with the Maths Society coming soon, so keep an eye on their profile for more information.
We haven't had a debating society for a while, so seeing them revived and active is great!
Rugby League!
Rounding off the Movember fundraiser, one club came out on top, our Rugby League squad!
Not only are many of the team now sporting fine moustaches but they managed to raise a whopping £1,100.34 for men's health issues; mental health and suicide prevention, prostate and testicular cancer.
You can see the full results by visiting the Movember website.
Madhoo bringing awareness to periods!
Madhoo (She/Her), our Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, has been working hard to organise the period pain simulator event as part of our ongoing period@brunel campaign.
This is a crucial union campaign, working to reduce the stigma around periods by engaging everyone in the conversation.
Like the rest of our part-time officer team, Madhoo volunteers her time for the role alongside her studies. Our elected officers are critical to our vision of ensuring every student thrives at Brunel.