As an SU we asked our students a number of questions in term 1 of the academic year '23/'24 relating to enviornmental and social factors. The reasoning behind this is to ensure we are representing the student's as effectively as we can in relation to Environmental and Sustainable practices.
122 students currently studying at Brunel University responded.
We have summerised our findings below using a factor weighted scoring model.
Feedback from our survey clearly showed that the main reason student's chose Brunel as their choice of uni is due to it's reputation for great employment prospects after Univerisity (11.79%).
Out of the 11 options available, student's agreed that "communicating complex information clearly and effectively to different types of people" was one of the top skills they would like to develope whilst studying at Brunel (scoring 9.80%). However, we can also see from this data that all other options didn't have much disparity between them, with only a maximum 1.23% differential between scores.
When asked how students would like their environmental and sustainability skills developed, a larger majority voted in favour of offering "placements or work experience" (18.52%).
The job prospect that student's desired the most was seen as having a "good starting salary" (17.88%), with "a role that contributes to helping the environment" scoring the lowest (15.59%) on student's priorities.
When asked which teaching method was the most beneficial for their skills and knowledge, a larger point majority was awarded to real-life examples of local and global issues (20%).

When asked what job they saw themsleves working in after graduation the majority (14%) of student's responded with "business, consulting and management".
73.9% of students agreed that knowing their place of student takes action to limit negative impacts it has on the environment and society would make them proud to be a student there.
The lowest scoring statement being that only 65.1% of students believed the student union takes action to limit it's negative impact it has on the environmental and society.
We asked student's who answered that they wanted to learn more about sustainable developement, why? We recieved the following answers (Duplicate answers were removed in this example. View bottom of the page for full summary):
"Being able to balance both approaches in terms of sociality and economy in the enviroment is something that i would want to learn and to make practise to bring changes in the society meeting the future requirments" - Anonymous Student
"I am excited to learn more about sustainable development as it reflects my sincere interest in establishing a more balanced and conscientious connection with the environment. I am convinced that gaining expertise in this area will not only be in line with my career aspirations but will also empower me to contribute positively to addressing global challenges." - Anonymous Student
"Specifically, I am keen on delving into sustainable practices and their potential effects on communities, both at the local and global levels." - Anonymous Student
"Because it is one of the demandings in todays life to address global challenges, career opportunity, personal responsibility and impact, innovation and technology, global citizen, informed decision making, education enrichment, and future generation." - Anonymous Student
"I don’t know much about it, good to educate yourself I believe it is crucial for the well-being of humanity that we collectively acquire practical awareness and understanding of the fundamental issues driving sustainable development. This effort is essential as we aim to make gradual strides in the right direction on a global scale." - Anonymous Student
"I would like to learn more because, we all students need to know a better way to develop our citys and our world." - Anonymous Student
"More about how it is incorporated into institutions and impact on the students/ employees
I have an interest in social issues such as global warming and sustainability is a key factor in solving these issues." - Anonymous Student
We asked student's for idea suggestions for what we could do to improve our environemental and sustainability performace and recieved the following answers (Duplicate answers were removed in this example. View bottom of the page for full summary):
"More freebies" - Anonymous Student
"Litter picks as a community" - Anonymous Student
"Green Infrastructure: Invest in green infrastructure on campus or at the workplace. This can include green roofs, rainwater harvesting systems, and renewable energy installations. Increased green spaces: Improves the environment and well-being of students." - Anonymus Student
"More conferences - talks with experts within universities and students" - Anonymous Student
"A quiz on brightspace" - Anonymous Student
"A board or a team on the student council for environmental awareness and protection and activities that follow through with that" - Anonymous Student
"Community Engagement Environmental Education Programs" - Anonymous Student
"Reuse anything that can be reused, recycle everything that can be" - Anonymous Student
"Include real examples linked to computer science" - Anonymous Student
"I don't, Brunel seems to have a plan that looks sensible to me" - Anonymous Student
"More visible communication on the subject" - Anonymous Student
"Include it within relevant areas of the syllabus" - Anonymous Student
"Hold talks on raising awareness on sustainable development." - Anonymous Student
"More recyling bin options" - Anonymous Student
"Provide more incentives and opportunities for people to do more research and development in the area of sustainable development as-well as coming up with activities to promote the urgency of improving their performance." - Anonymous Student
"I recommend initiating efforts for constructing environmentally friendly buildings, investing in renewable energy sources, promoting research on sustainability, and actively involving students to raise awareness about sustainable practices." - Anonymous Student
"Adding new subjects without the credits but it is necessary to take them as a condition to obtain the degree." - Anonymous Student
To read our full summary please click here.