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With both academic and financial pressures, university can be a very taxing on your mental health. Friends and family are often people’s first point of support, however it’s hard to support someone if don’t know that they’re struggling. For this mental health awareness week, we are encouraging students to be a buddy and check in on their friends. Check in on all your friends, even the ones you think are fine. 


Signs someone is struggling with their mental health 

Changes in Mood 

  • Low mood
  • Changes in mood from very high to very low
  • Being easily irritated, overreacting to situations to appear aggressive
  • Sounding hopeless or very critical 

Changes in behaviour 

  • Easily distracted 
  • Withdrawing from family, friends and students 
  • Avoiding situations or loss in interest in their usual hobbies or interest  
  • Repeatedly late or missing lecturers and/or seminars as well as work shifts 
  • Declining social events and not turning up to social engagement
  • Changes in appetite or sleeping more than usual
  • Self-harm 
  • Changes in the way someone speaks 
  • Being less active on social media/ not communicating with friends and family 
  • Not taking care of personal appearance or living spaces 
  • Increased drug use or drinking more alcohol than usual
  • Reckless or addictive behaviour that puts them in danger 

Changes in thinking, feeling and physical sensation

  • Feeling anxious, panicky or worrying more
  • Poor concentration and not being able to focus 
  • Low energy and tiredness
  • Being easily distracted
  • Loss of confidence or feeling overwhelmed by tasks 
  • Weight loss and a change in appetite/ eating habits 


Report & Support 

If you’re ever worried about your friend’s mental health or think your friend needs further help and support use the ‘Report and Support’ feature. You can do this anonymously or make a report with your contact detail. 

IF someone is in immediate danger or seriously injured on campus they can call the Brunel Security Team on 01895 255786.

If they are off campus, contact the Emergency Services on 999


For More Information