Period selfcare is personal to each individual, what works for some people menstruating will not work for others. Here’s a list of suggestions based on what other people have suggested is helpful to them, but you may have to try different approaches to find what works for you.
- Always have a heat bottle with you!
- Try having a hot shower or bath
- Prioritise rest and sleep
- Take painkillers if you need to (like ibuprofen)
- Frequently change your tampons/pads/empty your cups
- Use a cycle tracking app and always carry a tampon/pad with you to be prepared
- Don’t be afraid to take a break- from work or studying
- Try doing some exercises, yoga (e.g. the Cat, Sunbird and Cow poses)
- Have some B vitamins, turmeric, ginger, zinc and omega-3’s (nothing better than tea with ginger!)
- As with everything, stay hydrated!
In conclusion, period self-care is essential for maintaining physical and emotional well-being during menstruation. While the suggestions listed above may be helpful for some people, it's important to recognize that everyone's experience is unique. It may take some experimentation to find the self-care strategies that work best for you. By prioritizing self-care and being open to trying new approaches, individuals who menstruate can better manage the symptoms and challenges of their menstrual cycle.