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Unless you are commuting from home or lucky enough to afford a studio or 1 bedroom flat, you will most likely have housemates. If you’re lucky you will get considerate, friendly housemates who respects boundaries and likes to clean up after themselves. Unfortunately, you may get problematic housemates who can make life stressful and uncomfortable. They might be messy, noisy, or disrespectful of your space and belongings, which can lead to arguments and an overall hostile environment.




The Messy Housemate

This housemate never cleans up after themselves, leaves dirty dishes in the sink and rubbish all over the shared spaces. This is the type of roommate to leave dishes in the sink over winter break.

Example: you come home to find empty pizza boxes all over the kitchen table. They promised to clean up days ago, but nothing has been touched


The Noisy Housemates

This housemate is likes to stay up late making noise, whether it’s playing loud music, gamer rage, talking on the phone, watching TV loudly or having loud conversations in communal spaces (e.g. corridor). This housemate is often the life of the party and the home of the pre-drinks.

Example: You have an early morning, but your housemates has had friends over playing music, laughing loudly and constantly slamming the door.


The Borrower Housemate

Sometimes known as thieving housemates, this housemate constantly uses your things without asking, whether it’s food, clothes, or household items. This housemate will finish your oat milk without telling you or replacing it.

Example: You go to heat up yesterday’s takeaway, only to find your housemate has eaten in without letting you know.


The Overbearing Housemate

Sometimes known as the landlord housemate, this house mate tries to control every aspect of the household as if they own the place. They like to micromanage all of the housemate and set unreasonable rules. They can come across as annoying and/or patronising.

Example: Your housemate likes to dictate what kind of foods can be made in the kitchen and when you’re allowed to cook in the kitchen.


The Financially Irresponsible Housemates

If you’re living on campus, you thankfully may never meet this housemate. These housemates pay rent or utility bills late, putting you and other housemates under financial strain. This housemate might constantly ask you to cover their share.

Example: You remind your housemate that the electricity bill is due, but they keep forgetting to pay their share and coming up with excuses why they haven’t paid.